
Toronto Diaspora People Picnic at High Park

All peoples, nations and tongues are all gathered in one place

July 12th, 2014


Sat, July 12 AM graceful scenery adjacent to Lake Ontario, High Park is proud to have been one of the significant events. It is just CMCA (Canada Mosaic Christian Alliance) established a multi-ethnic picnic in Toronto Area Park 4 shade with around 100 people from various nations.

Our Neighbours from the ends of the Earth

Myanmar Church (Pastor Solomon), Thai Church (Sue and Frank), Philippine Church (Pastor Tonto), TIM(Tyndale Intercultural Mission) centre(Director Robert Cousin), FFM, Toronto’s Wycliffe and Church members from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Congo, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, etc.

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Pastor Emmanuel, “God from all over the world bring all the nations on earth

Immigrants living in Canada gathered more than 220 people and more than 340 languages ​​consist. Called multi-cultural societies, but look at how much people lives in concentrated communities in Canada that focuses on getting a huge lake with floating islands are the same. Away from the island and other islands, island scenes, lively exchange of people living in the islands and between the islands, but the brave people who go swimming, who knows each other.

Canada has lots of multi-ethnic people group. CMCA is reaching out the people who God sent us here by shaking the earth, coming from the ends of the earth. We approached our neighbors of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, as well as, for those who are disconnected from God by any reason.